Fossilized metamorphic sedimentary, shale stone, grain fine, encrusted with cuprous pyrites.
Aspect matte-satin and texture prodigiously velvety.
Rounded and softened, entirely by hand like a river pebble weathered naturally
Aquatint and mezzotint process uses the application of a mordant to etch into the metal plate
Used with Bronze, Brass, Copper and the Maillechort usually used for goldsmithing, jewelry and silverware
Veryy special massive metal alloy (close to the titanium) sculpted and worked by lot of different process in the mass by hands
The challenge was to give life and soul to a hight technology and hight precision material. super pure and produced by engineering to make aircraft and space ship engines.
It can not casted or welded, only worked in the mass.
I use different type of stones for inclusions or for sculpted objects.
Like the black fossilised wood of twenty million years for Lighting Sulpture or Agates
Also for inclusions in the metamorphic shale, the Red Jaspis or Eilat Stones and many others possibility’s