EMMANUEL JONCKERS / Sparkling Canopy

Sparkling Canopy

Dinner Table –
Large Dinner Table.
Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort.
Edition: Unique piece.

Discover a hidden and unexpected universe beyond known dimensions, at the heart of matter and nature’s perfectly organised madness. A journey to the heart of Amazonia, a vision of the canopy sparkling and vibrant.

Size : Around 255cm x 283cm Height : 72cm
Can be configurate on different size Tables.

Customizable projects available on demand.

Large Set of Coffee Tables. Engraved Aquatinted Brass. Edition: Unique pieces.
Large Set of Coffee Tables. Engraved Aquatinted Brass & Aquatinted Maillechort Edition: Unique pieces.
Gueridon / Bout de Canapé Starred Metamorphic Shale table. Inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort. Edition: Unique piece.
Magic Cells Large Set
Large Set of Coffee Tables Engraved Aquatinted Brass. Edition: Unique eatch pieces.
King Size Dinner Table / Conference Table Aeronautical Alloy Aquatinted . Inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort. Edition: Unique piece.
Spazio Interdimentionale
Coffee Table Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort. Edition: Unique piece.
Magic Cells
Set of Coffee Tables / Tables Gigognes Engraved Aquatinted Brass & Inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort. Edition: Unique piece.
Atypic Console Massive aeronautical alloy sculpted and worked by lot of different process in the mass by hands. inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort. Edition: Unique piece.
Coffee Table Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort & Organic Resin. Edition: Unique piece.
Coffee Table Starred Metamorphic Shale Stone. Inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort. Edition: Unique piece.
Lighting Sculpture Massive aeronautical alloy sulpted. Fossiliosed black wood stone of twenty million years natural Edition: Unique piece.
Coffee Table Starred Metamorphic Shale Stone. Inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort. Edition: Unique piece..
King Size Dinner Table / Conference Table Starred Metamorphic Shale Stone. Inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort. Edition: Unique piece.
Dinner Table Starred Metamorphic Shale Stone. Inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort. Edition: Unique piece.
King Size Table Starred Metamorphic Shale table. Inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort. Edition: Unique piece.
Dinner Table / Coffee Table Starred Metamorphic Shale Stone. Inlays of Engraved Leather. Edition: Unique piece.
Pesca Felice
Coffee Table Starred Metamorphic Shale table. Inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort & Eliat Stones. Edition: Unique piece.
Gueridon Starred Metamorphic Shale table. Inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Bronze. Edition: Unique piece.
Gemini Wasat
Console Table Starred Metamorphic Shale table. Inlays of Engraved Aquatinted Bronze. Edition: Unique piece.
Set of Coffee Tables Engraved Aquatinted Brass & Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort. Edition: Unique piece.
Magics Cells Set Hypérion 385x130x74 Empreinte Tables set